The president of Bank of China branch in Liaoning Province visited our company-Exportimes

The president of Bank of China branch in Liaoning Province visited our company

Date : 2016-05-13 | From : Exportimes

The president of Bankof China branch in Liaoning Province, Wang Jianhong, came to visitour company on 19th August. Through the meeting, we achieved initialintent of cooperation on financing issues of foreigntrade.

The president of Bank of China branch in Liaoning Province, Wang Jianhong (left 3), is having a talk.

TheCEO of Liaoning MEC Group Co., Ltd, Kangjian, introduced our website to all theguests. And Wang expressed that they will give maximum support to Exportimes infinancing issues.

Our CEO, Kangjian (left 3), is giving aspeech.

As athird-party platform, Exportimes provides financing guarantee for SMEs. Thisinnovative finance model solves the contradiction of information asymmetrybetween banks and SMEs, high costs of banking services for SMEs, the barriersof credit threshold, and the difficulties of SMEs’ financingissues. Exportimes build financing bridges between banks and SMEs.

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