LinkedIn Exchange Conference of Northern China was Successfully Held-Exportimes

LinkedIn Exchange Conference of Northern China was Successfully Held

Date : 2016-05-13 | From : Exportimes

On 23th December, sponsored by Linked-Media (Strategic marketing partners of LinkedIn), co-organized by LinkedIn (China) and Exportimes, LinkedIn Exchange Conference of Northern China was successfully held in Dalian. Xiaopeng Zhang (Director of Dalian Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation), Yue Chen, Tingting Wang (senior leaders of LinkedIn), Yanfeng Xu (CEO of Exportimes) and nearly 100 enterprises attended the conference.


Xiaopeng Zhang was giving a speech


Yue Chen was giving a speech


Tingting Wang was giving a speech

Surrounded the situation of Internet development and trend of Big Data Marketing currently, the conference led the participants to know the advantages and features of "LIngyuantong", and shared experiences about targeting customers, solving overseas marketing difficulties and grasping Foreign Trade Business Opportunities.


Operating the world's largest professional network on the Internet with more than 400 million members in over 200 countries and territories, LinkedIn is one of the 4 giants in Silicon Valley running together with Faecbook, Google and Apple.  Especially, LinkedIn is the only one foreign social platform can be used in China Mainland. For Exportimes, this conference is a big step of expanding the platform resources advantages and strengthening the service functions. Exportimes will take full advantage of its experience in Internet Marketing to enhance the global influence of Dalian, and help the local enterprise become stronger and stronger.


Yanfeng Xu was giving a speech


 Interactive session


The conference of Northern China was successfully held


As a practitioner of 'Internet + Foreign Trade', Exportimes provides one-stop services in the international trade value chains. And the platform also hopes to help SMEs to grasp marketing channels, create self-owned brand, improve international competitiveness and hold the pricing power gradually by using Google, Yandex and other International leading digital marketing models.

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