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The Long & Happy Life of the Candle Snuffer

2018/1/24 15:49:48

What is a candle snuffer?

A candle snuffer is a bell-shaped cone, made out of metal, and fashioned onto a long handle in order to extinguish a candle’s flame more easily. While they are not essential for your candles, they do help out quite a bit in certain situations. They are ideal when you have candles that are in hard to reach places such as ledges lining a fireplace, or wall sconces. Aside from this, they also eliminate the chance of wax and soot getting on walls or other unwanted surfaces when blowing them out instead.

Traditionally, candle snuffers are made out of brass, but other metals such as copper or pewter could be used. Today, brass is still a favorite, but other metals such as iron, coated with gold or silver plate, are often used.


When were candle snuffers first used? (a brief history lesson!)

Candle snuffers were first invented in 1776, at which time they were called candle extinguishers or douters. An innovative inventor name Christopher Pinchbeck the Younger (you cannot make that up!) created what has become now known as the candle snuffer. He was an Englishman who was a favorite of mad King George the third.


Why use a candle snuffer?

Candle Snuffers are used today because they still keep the wax from going here, there, and everywhere when blowing out a candle. Nobody wants soot on their walls and this can help with just that. They are most effective when used on candlesticks but can make reaching into deep jars and hurricanes simple as well. It’s also kind of a classy piece of decor that people like to have alongside their candles. There are so many creative and decorative candle snuffers nowadays that they can be just as integral part of your home’s decor as the candle itself.

Some candle snuffers can also double as candle wick trimmers with two flat blades that have blunt ends, which have, in addition, a small bowl or box to trap the flame and the used wick, made also in the same various metals.

Should I buy a cheap candle snuffer?

Candle snuffers can range from around $4 all the way up to the hundreds of dollars and really it just comes down to preference. The expensive ones tend to be more decor statements and while they look nice, won’t serve any more purpose than a cheaper one. You can find cheap candle snuffers that will do the job fine, just be sure to read reviews from others before making purchases as some are cheaply made and can break easily.

Below I’ve gathered a list of a variety of different candle snuffers from around the web. As you can see there are many different looks and some can be quite elegant!

Whether you go modern or antique, vintage or contemporary, you’ll find the candle snuffer an indispensable tool and one you’ll hold onto forever. Choose one that represents your personality and never look back.


Article from: http://www.candlejunkies.com

What is a candle snuffer?

A candle snuffer is a bell-shaped cone, made out of metal, and fashioned onto a long handle in order to extinguish a candle’s flame more easily. While they are not essential for your candles, they do help out quite a bit in certain situations. They are ideal when you have candles that are in hard to reach places such as ledges lining a fireplace, or wall sconces. Aside from this, they also eliminate the chance of wax and soot getting on walls or other unwanted surfaces when blowing them out instead.

Traditionally, candle snuffers are made out of brass, but other metals such as copper or pewter could be used. Today, brass is still a favorite, but other metals such as iron, coated with gold or silver plate, are often used.


When were candle snuffers first used? (a brief history lesson!)

Candle snuffers were first invented in 1776, at which time they were called candle extinguishers or douters. An innovative inventor name Christopher Pinchbeck the Younger (you cannot make that up!) created what has become now known as the candle snuffer. He was an Englishman who was a favorite of mad King George the third.


Why use a candle snuffer?

Candle Snuffers are used today because they still keep the wax from going here, there, and everywhere when blowing out a candle. Nobody wants soot on their walls and this can help with just that. They are most effective when used on candlesticks but can make reaching into deep jars and hurricanes simple as well. It’s also kind of a classy piece of decor that people like to have alongside their candles. There are so many creative and decorative candle snuffers nowadays that they can be just as integral part of your home’s decor as the candle itself.

Some candle snuffers can also double as candle wick trimmers with two flat blades that have blunt ends, which have, in addition, a small bowl or box to trap the flame and the used wick, made also in the same various metals.

Should I buy a cheap candle snuffer?

Candle snuffers can range from around $4 all the way up to the hundreds of dollars and really it just comes down to preference. The expensive ones tend to be more decor statements and while they look nice, won’t serve any more purpose than a cheaper one. You can find cheap candle snuffers that will do the job fine, just be sure to read reviews from others before making purchases as some are cheaply made and can break easily.

Below I’ve gathered a list of a variety of different candle snuffers from around the web. As you can see there are many different looks and some can be quite elegant!



Whether you go modern or antique, vintage or contemporary, you’ll find the candle snuffer an indispensable tool and one you’ll hold onto forever. Choose one that represents your personality and never look back.


Article from: http://www.candlejunkies.com